Quality - Environment - Health and Safety Policy
The company KOFINAS PREFABRICATED HOUSES S.A. has as its business activity the design, construction, marketing and installation of prefabricated buildings.
The company's main commitments are:
- the provision of a stable and high level of service quality and the full satisfaction of its customers' requirements, and
- the protection of the environment and health and safety
In addition, the company is committed to:
- the compliance of its services and practices with the applicable Legislation and the relevant Regulatory framework,
- the prevention of the burden on the environment,
- taking appropriate measures to prevent, reduce and eliminate risks and threats to health and safety in the company's workplaces,
- to provide the appropriate working environment and safe working conditions to avoid and prevent injuries and occupational diseases,
- reducing the waste it produces and promoting recycling practices, reducing the consumption of energy and natural resources,
- to encourage consultation with employees and their participation in matters related to health and safety at work.
- Children are prohibited from working. The specified minimum age for taking up work cannot be lower than the age of completion of compulsory schooling. In addition, it emphasizes that young workers should enjoy working conditions that are age-appropriate and protected from economic exploitation and from work that may be harmful to their health, safety, and development, or adversely affect their education. their.
- The company KOFINAS S.A. is committed to the absolute avoidance of any kind of discriminatory behavior against our employees because of their racial or ethnic origin, skin color, sex, language, religious belief, political or other beliefs, social or national identity, economic status , origin, family status, sexual identity, or any other distinguishing characteristic. All employment decisions, from hiring to firing and retirement, will be made based only on relevant and objective criteria, without any bias.
- At KOFINAS SA, any manifestation of forced labor, whether it is slavery or human trafficking, is strictly prohibited. It is a fundamental right of every worker to have freedom of movement and the choice to leave the workplace after the end of his working hours.
- KOFINAS S.A. respects the freedom of its employees to join trade unions or other labor groups of their choice, to decide whether or not they wish to join them, and to bargain collectively for their interests. At the same time, the company is committed to protecting employees from any form of retaliation, such as intimidation, harassment, or dismissal, due to their union action or participation.
The Management ensures the achievement of the above commitments through:
- implementing a Unified Management System (EMS) in full compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards and improving its effectiveness through periodic audits, reviews and analysis of the relevant risk,
- the continuous training, information and education of its executives so that they promote the Company's goals in all their activities,
- the provision of sufficient resources for the implementation of the NAP and environmental management,
- establishing Goals, the implementation of which is reviewed and evaluated in order to eliminate or reduce the negative effects on the quality of its services, the environment and HSE.
The continuous effort for the continuous improvement of the Services and the ESA is the main concern of the Company and the philosophy of each of its employees.