Έρευνες – Εργασίες

2012 NTUA Study

4-story construction research at the National Technical University of Athens, about the masonry of “ Prefabricated Houses company”

The study was funded from the G.S.R.T. and realized from the N.T.U.A. in 2012.

A four-story building constructed utilizing the “ – Prefabricated Houses” company construction system was studied from a scientific team which consisted of:

  • Dr. H. Mouzakis, Project Manager N.T.U.A.
  • Dr. L. Karapitta, Researcher N.T.U.A.
  • Dr. V.Κ. Ntertimanis, Researcher N.T.U.A.

in order to extend the action of prefabricated wooden buildings of company, to multi-story constructions and give further knowledge to the company to improve its competitiveness in the construction industry.

The technical report of the NTUA scientists, among others, says:

Τεχνική έκθεση των επιστημόνων του Ε.Μ.Π

Benefits for participants:
Participants will develop new scientific knowledge, Specifically, the company is expected to use the study results, for a modern, highly competitive manufacturing.
Benefits for society:
The final product is expected to be a positive step towards meeting the green design philosophy. The cost of the resulting construction will be highly competitive, affordable and attractive for society, with obvious economic and environmental advantages. Moreover, the proposed construction will help reduce the misperceptions about the wooden prefabricated houses and, since the current market is limited, can lead to an expansion, offering new jobs and increasing competition, for the benefit of the consumer.

This proposal aims to become the first holistic research in Greece, which will study the wooden prefabricated buildings, taking into account the local environmental conditions and the seismic actions.

The results obtained will provide the company all the necessary knowledge and corresponding tools to work further…

Η έρευνα χρηματοδοτήθηκε απο την Γ.Γ.Ε.Τ
ΕΣΠΑ 2007 - 2013

Student studies

The company invests in the development of prefabricated buildings by providing its expertise to students of educational institutions for further analysis and research. These studies provide us new technological orientations while helping new generations of engineers to further involve with the prefabrication sector of Greece.

Διπλωματική εργασία Ε.Μ.Π. “Ξύλινες Προκατασκευασμένες Κατοικίες”

Διπλωματική εργασία Ε.Μ.Π. Ξύλινες Προκατασκευασμένες Κατοικίες

Αποδεικνύοντας την αδιαπραγμάτευτη αρχή της εταιρίας μας για διαρκή έρευνα και τεχνολογική γνώση, η Ευγενία Κοφινά, βασικό εταιρικό στέλεχος της ΚΟΦΙΝΑΣ Α.Ε., μελέτησε και παρουσίασε σε διπλωματική εργασία του Εθνικού Μετσόβιου Πολυτεχνείου τεχνολογίες και κατασκευαστικές επιλύσεις των προκατασκευασμένων κτηρίων.

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N.T.U.A. student study “Prefabricated wooden masonry”

Σπουδαστική εργασία Ε.Μ.Π Ξύλινη Προκατασκευασμένη Τοιχοποιία

The study was conducted in N.T.U.A. by Pouliasis George, Psycharis Nikolaos,Ntigakis Charalambos,Mpouros Alexandros and Filaretou Filaretos, students from the school of Civil Engineering

Click here to read the study

EBEC Athens 2013

EBEC Athens 2013

The company kofinas sponsored and provided its expertise for the engeneering contest “BEST Athens” where it took place at the National Technical University of Athens and organized for the third continous time by the local level of the larger engineering competition in Europe, the European BEST Engineering Competition.

The idea of the company was the implementation of a folding retractable-house from the competing construction teams (Team Design).

NTUA lecture “Sustainable housing with dense and lightweight frame”

Διάλεξη Ε.Μ.Π. Βιώσιμη κατοικία με πυκνό και ελαφρύ σκελετό

The lecture was held and presented at N.T.U.A. by Diamanti Elena and Kofina Eugenia, students from the architecture school of N.T.U.A.

Click here to read the lecture

NTUA Technical Report

Technical report of the National Technical University of Athens about the masonry of the “ Prefabricated Houses company”

Below you can find the NTUA Technical Report, where the conditions of the 2009 experiment are described in detail and all the measurements are included.

Comments from Scientists
